Thursday 12 July 2018

If Life is a Fashion Show, then where is the stage?

Some people don't really 'get' my analogy of life being a Fashion Show and that's okay.  My opinion of where we are at, what we do, who we choose to associate with.....those things that make up our individual casts and shows in my opinion are all pliable.  Situations created by each one of us and formed into the exact 'fashion show' that we have chosen at any given time.

I've been waiting for some kind of inspiration for another blog and.....well, I think I have found it.  You can decide for yourself if you think it was worth my time.....I have already decided that it is....for me.  You see, we have all been given the ability to CHOOSE.

Sitting here this morning, I am reading Facebook posts of friends, texting a couple of them, listening to the radio and reading the odd news article.  I am surrounded by minor chaos, as is my normal.  The dishwasher is not quite ready to run,  the pan from last night's supper is still on the stove, the toaster is still on the counter, the porch has some plant pots  and a bag of dirt on the floor that need to be taken out to the garage and in the hall sit some articles that I removed from the spare room.

 My messy, chaotic view.

1/2 the dusting is completed in the living room, the bathroom floor needs sweeping if not washing and don't even get me started on the office!!  If I went downstairs, I would find A few Christmas decorations that made it as far as the downstairs table (Yes I know!!  It is July!!).  My surroundings are definitely not in 'show ready' appearance.  But bed is made!! 

Accomplishment for the day - Bed is made!!

(Inspiration video by a Navy Seal - )

Regardless of how many tasks are 1/2 done, how messy or unorganized my life may look at this very moment, that is exactly what I have created.  This is where I am, this is my life right here and now.  This is my present ‘stage’ whether you look at it as a platform a place or a period of time… is my stage.   I could have chosen to finish straightening the kitchen last night before I went to bed, but I didn't.  I could have finished straightening the spare room for the student from France who will arrive tomorrow evening, but again, I didn't.  Instead I chose to play with our new kitties, teach our dog some leash manners, watch some meaningless TV with my husband, wash my dirty feet (my feet are usually dirty all summer) and go to bed.  And....I am happy and content with each of those decisions.  And right now I am choosing to write a blog telling you how unorganized I am rather than getting my shit together.  Again......happy with that!!  I am choosing to be happy.

Yes, my stage looks a bit chaotic......maybe that's the theme of my Fashion Show at this moment.....unorganized chaos!!  Not only is my house somewhat awry, so is my yard and my mind……within my Fashion Show I am trying to sort out thoughts, objects and feelings all at the same time.  Who knows what twist it will take? I may have the show become an educational piece on how to get things done, I may choose to make a documentary on hoarding, I could make it a study on looking within ones self for happiness, or maybe a piece on being content in whatever situation or surroundings you are in.  Whatever I choose, again, my choice!
I love getting dressed up and going to fancy places.....but I also love crawling around in a muddy garden!!

You see, I feel that we should not be a slave to our surroundings.  We can be joyous in a garden covered in mud, a fancy restaurant in our finest clothes, in The South Pacific on the beach in a palm hut or at in Dubai in a $2500/night room.  We can be happy and spread joy to others no matter how much money we have in our bank account, or even if we don't have a bank account.....or a pot to piss in for that matter.
It doesn't matter who we are with, what we are doing, where we are.......there is always only one constant that truly matters and that is how we CHOOSE to react to all of those circumstances.

Choosing to stop and enjoy the sunset on my bike ride.
Some days I think about what other's perception of me and my life is......if they think I'm lazy, unorganized, maybe a little crazy, brilliant, kind or conniving .....but then I realize that whatever they think is their choice as well.  They might think I'm chaotic or have a free and artistic spirit, they may choose to believe my house to be unorganized or a collection of beautiful antiques.  They could choose to feel that I am being supportive or that I am being condescending.  What I have come to realize is that what others think about or choose to believe has really nothing to do with me and everything to do with them.  They will choose their decisions and feelings no matter what I do, no matter how my house looks.  And, if I try to make my decisions on what I perceive their opinions to be.... life just gets very messy.  Maybe that's where I am sitting right now…….in this mess of my perceived chaos.

Regardless of others, today I will choose to be happy in whatever I do, I might get a lot accomplished and maybe I won't.  If someone's needs me for something that I feel is important, I might put off cleaning the spare room.....our student may have to dust his own dresser....and he will decide if that is important to him....or not.  It may take me all day to get my thoughts written out in this blog……maybe it will come quickly, or maybe I will have to leave it sit for another week…..

Whatever I choose, it is mine, not yours.  Whatever you choose, it in turn is yours, not mine.  Some people choose to live in immaculate surroundings, some on the streets.  Some people function well in organized creativity, others in chaotic non direction.  For whatever reason, some people feel that their struggles are what makes them, others find their successes more defining (but then, what is your definition of success).  Each of us are our own individuals and we direct our Fashion Shows in whatever way we choose at that moment.

I want you all to know that in my Fashion Show I am the super model.  The perfect model (of myself). Everyone in my show is compared to me and I look at their lives in comparison to how I feel about it from where I am.  Some I will strive to be a mirror image of, others I would never want to be like.  And who knows, maybe I would act, be and react in exactly the same as those who's actions I disagree with if I were in the same situation…..

Yep!!  This is me!!
Everyone is different from me, so I cannot hold a judgement of them, only of my imagined self in their situation.  I am not sure that we even have the ability to judge others ……. for we can only judge our selves, our feelings, our choices as we would react to what we perceive to be their situation…..their choices…..their beliefs.  
I am not sure that we even have the ability to judge others.....

In that, please know that I support everyone’s Fashion Show and look on comparing it to who and what I know….Me.  The way in which you cast me is your choice.  You may cast me in a supporting role or maybe I am perceived as the villain to conquer.  Regardless of how you cast me, I send you my love, support and the wish that your fashion show is everything you desire it to be.

Sometimes the sky is my stage as I completely lose myself in its beauty!!

Oh, and the answer to where your stage is?  The same as everything in your Fashion Show……right where you are, because YOU are the star of the show‼

Love ya!

Sunday 27 May 2018

Prescription for a Good Life

Sitting here in May of 2018, you would think that we, as a society of educated, intelligent, human beings would have figured out the prescription for a good, if not a great life.
Our lives have become so easy and instant (if we want them to be).  You would think that we would have a pill by now that we simply take and our lives would miraculously become exactly what we wanted....a happy pill, a rich pill, a confidence pill....sounds simple enough doesn't it?  And maybe we do have these in the form of drugs, and get rich quick businesses....hmmmm.

The thing is, as with every prescription, these drugs and businesses are only treating the symptoms and not the underlying cause of the illness or problem.  So....what is the underlying cause of everything we experience?  Well silly, it is us!!  We are the ones who choose if we are going to be happy or sad, content or restless, relaxed or busy, clean or messy, fast or slow and yes, even sick or healthy and rich or poor.  Believe it or not, we have the power and ability to choose each and every path that we take in life.

Of course there are outside influences, but that is all that they are...OUTSIDE!!!  We have the ability to keep them locked out, or let them in and become our reality.  Some of these influences are wonderful!!  They build us up, give us confidence, defend us, cheer us on, compliment us, teach and help us to excel in ways we didn't even know that we could!!  These are the influences that we want to open the door for......unfortunately when we open the door for them, sometimes they have some tag along friends that sneak in uninvited.  Those influences that tell us we aren't good enough, smart  enough, talented enough, tall enough, short enough, rich enough, strong enough.......I am sure we have all encountered these fellows....I know that I have!!

The prescription that I believe we are all looking for is sitting right outside our beings and ringing the doorbell!!  The trick is to openly invite those remedies in and not let the inflictions sneak in while we have the door open.  Things and circumstances change, so we too have to keep readdressing our dosage and will even have to change the prescription from time to time.

The Japanese word "kaizen" means 'continuos change for the better', and I believe that this is a brilliant word to live by.  (I somehow feel that I may have been Japanese in a former life as I feel very at home and connected there.  I resonate with so many of their ways and beliefs).

Myself in Japan in 1980

Many of you have heard me refer to the fact that, like a plant, if we are not growing then we are dying.  There is no coasting in is like breathing, we may think that we are holding our breath - but as we are doing it, our body is simply using the reserve in our lungs to carry on......if we never take another breath ....then our demise is evident.  Luckily, most times, our body demands that we take a breath and start up our 'living' once again!!

The Japanese reference of Kaizen means to me that we are not only living or dying, but taking it one conscious step further in that we are also improving or declining.   Making a continual effort to improving!!  What a great way to spend ones life!!  No more of this 'I have a good job (which I hate by the way) so I will simply stay in this safe yet mundane environment until my retirement'.  Why spend even one day of our lives being bored, sad, average, or safe!!  Get up, live each day seeking out what makes us happy, fulfilled, joyful!!  Even if it it is a requirement thatwe go to our boring job, why does our entire day have to follow suit?  Create a space and time in your day for growth, something that makes you smile, rejoice and be, not only proud, but grateful.
I have a wonderful marriage and a husband who may not always understand me, but I know that he  appreciates and loves me.  We live in a beautiful house that more than meets our needs.  We have enough of everything we need and more in material possessions.  We go on vacation at least once a year and have friends all over the world.  We have a remarkable son who has married an incredible woman and together they have blessed us with 4 amazing Grandchildren.  We have family who support us and friends who love and admire us like family.

You may think that my life has no challenges, because that is exactly the way I live it.  I could have stayed stuck in the fact that I was a teen searching for love and acceptance of my peers by partying, doing drugs and various other harmful acts.  I could have been that single Mom who was rejected by the father of her child and his family and stayed bitter and angry that I had to raise my son on my own instead of embracing parenthood and working as many jobs as it took to make ends meet and our little family happy.  I could have not taken the chance at being rejected by a very devout Catholic family who were appalled that their youngest would date a woman who was unwed when she became pregnant, instead of following my heart and finding not only an amazinf partner, but a loving and caring family that treat my son as one of their own.  I could have stayed in a job that I dreaded going to every day because it was a decent and steady paycheck, instead of taking a leap of faith that I could excel as my own boss and as a contributing partner on the farm.  I could have stayed in a relationship that I was questioning and wondering about instead of seeking guidance and counselling to make it something to be excited about and proud of.  I could have believed those who called me a horrible, evil person instead of sending them love and forgiveness and moving to the knowing that I am a loving and supportive person with only the best of intentions.  I could have stayed home yesterday to plant the garden and been miserable because I got rained out instead of heading off to my Grandkids' Soccer Tournaments and being showered with hugs, kisses and "I Love You Grandma"s!!  Yes - each and every day I could choose to have a horrible life, but I don't - I choose to acknowledge my feelings (good and bad) and strive to be happy, grateful, open and supportive each and every day.  I am choosing the best life I am capable of. 

Myself taking a Shamisen class during the most recent time we were in Japan.

I definitely agree with the Japanese belief that Kaizen is a way of life, a prescription for a good, if not a great life!!  I will continue to follow my quest for education, understanding and enlightenment, be it through classes, travel or simply visiting a neighbour.  I am not saying that there will be no challenges, I only say "Bring them on!!" for that only enhances the desire to learn, do and make things better!!  When I am faced with one of those seemingly unsurmountable obstacles, I may faulter, but I am of the belief that I have the ability, and certainly the stubborness (or determinatioin) to work through it, learn from it and become a better person for it.

My wish for you is that you don't stay stuck in the boring, mundane or 'safe' areas of your life, but that you seek out the "KAIZEN" (continuous change for the better) in your life.  Make the choice of prosperity over poverty, curiosity over not knowing, excitement over mediocre and a GREAT life over the good one that you are sitting in.

All my Love

Sunday 11 March 2018

Unfinished Business

My Fashion Show (life) a Blogger that reality, it has never stopped!!

Today I was inspired to resume some of my writing...or journaling, or scripting as I like to call it here in my "Life is a Fashion Show" blog.  I fought off the urge for a while, knowing that I had other things to work is always looming, housework is never done, I have close to a million projects going on at any given moment......

As those who know me know, and if you are reading this Blog and don't, I will tell you, that I am always looking for ways to grow and improve - I love taking classes, reading books, watching videos or documentaries to expand my thoughts, and of course travelling to expand my horizons and the way that I look at and see the world.  

Today was no different - I opened up the current book that I am reading as part of a Class that I recently enrolled in and proceeded to do the task that it suggested.  The task was to write down all of the 'limiting' things that my parents told me I 'was'  as a child growing up.  Things like;  you don't work hard enough, you are lazy, you are messy, you are irresponsible.....  Then it said to expand even further and write down those things told to me by my siblings, peers, teachers, co-workers...I continued to write things like; you aren't good enough, you are skinny, your nose it too big, you are flat chested, you are too emotional, first it was difficult, but as I started pulling up those memories it seemed to get easier....before I knew it I had 2 large pages filled with negative tings that I had been told i "was".  Now the book didn't say what I was to do with those thoughts, only to sit and reflect on the feelings that surrounded them.  To reflect on the way that I felt about myself either as a result of or in spite of the words I had written.  Although a lot of those opinions or words that were said to me still seem to resonate, a lot of them I have laid to rest where they belong - in my past.  

I had watched a video (and shared it on Facebook if you would like to see it) about this very thing earlier we become what people tell us we are, but also that we have the ability and power to rewrite our life - change our beliefs, grow into what we want to become, or direct our own Fashion Show so to speak.  That our "I Am" statements become our truths so we should make them great ones.   

I know that my parents, and pretty much everyone in my life have only ever told me things to make me a better and more fulfilled person.  When I was told that I wasn't responsible, they wanted to encourage me to be more so.  When I was told that I was messy, they only wanted to motivate me to become more neat and organized.  When I was told that I wasn't good enough, it was done so that I would practice harder and become better......

So - I decided to take action - to change my thoughts, to step up to the challenge that was laid out for me today and get busy working on my own thoughts and beliefs.  I chose to burn all of those remarks and write my present script in a more loving and nurturing manner.  The picture of the fire below is of those very writings from my past going up in smoke.  It didn't happen easily - I had to nurture the flames, blow on them a bit, use a couple of matches when the flames dwindled, add a bit of kindling...... Much the same as getting those thoughts out of our heads, one has to keep adding fuel (matches) to combat the set backs, thinking good thoughts (kindling) to replace the bad, motivation and encouragement (blowing on the coals) to keep us moving forward.......

I have so much "Unfinished Business" that I want to attend to, Things that I have carried around for years that need to be laid to rest.  New lands to discover, ideas to be explored and people to meet.  The weight of the past will most certainly try and sneak into my present from time to time, but for now, I am proactive, I am determined, I am capable, I am smart, I am talented, I am beautiful, I am loved, and I will keep doing what I need to do to make myself and the world around me the best darned Fashion Show that I am capable of creating!!

Thanks for the read - I hope it inspires or motivates you to be the "Best You" as well!!

The fire that burned all of the limiting beliefs that I had been carrying around with me since childhood.

Trip to Lovina - Indonesia 2014 (week #2 continued)

THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2014 AT 12:00 PM
Today we started an adventure to
the north!!
We had our usual breakfast and were picked up promptly at 10:00 in the back road by the market by Darin, our cabby for the day. It is overcast and rainy, so will be a great day for a road trip.
 We stopped at various places along the way to take pictures and also at the Luwak Coffee plantation to learn about and test Luwak or Poop Coffee!! It is very expensive. We paid $30 for 100gms of Luwak Coffee, so if we offer you some when you come over, you will know that you are pretty darned special!!

Also bought a couple of our favorite teas, the Mangosteen and the Saffron. You will have to come and try them, they are super tasty!!
We stopped a couple more times to take some photos...learned that the reason the big fruit bats don't fly away when they are at a tourist spot and have people poking and prodding them, is that they need to have a long fall to start flying....kind of like a hang glider.....we learn something new each and every day - don't we?!?
Stopped for lunch not far from our hotel at a lovely Oceanside restaurant. Our most expensive meal here so far!! The boys had water and I had a beer and we all had the chicken 'full meal deal' and it cost us over 500,000!!!! That was completely ridiculous!! We could have had 200 meals at the market for that!!
Got to our hotel and it was pretty much just got settled. Ted was feeling a little queazy from the long drive up and down the mountain anyway, so it was nice to just relax a bit.
Had supper at the hotel Restaurant (much more reasonably priced) and hit the hay. 

Today is March 11, 2018.......over 4 years later since I started this page of my Blog and never finished.....

I will rename it "Unfinished Business" and post it as is to remind myself, that although our past never goes away, it does not define us.  We can do and be whatever we want to in the present.  Yes, it is true that this post was never complete....and mat never be in your eyes........but for me, it is done, finished, forgotten.  I have moved on to different interests and times.....

Don't get me wrong, I still remember the rest of that trip to has had lasting effects on myself, Ted and many other people.  Some day I may complete the dialogue of this trip, but not today.  I choose to make the decision to move on and I am okay!!!!

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Indonesia 2014 ~ Week #2 (less a couple days)

SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2014 AT 10:58 AM
Prices are surprisingly good at the beach!!
 Up and down for breakfast around 9. I had fruit and toast...Ted had - guess what?!? Yep, bacon and eggs!!
Today is a beach day, so lathered up and headed down to the beach!! Claimed a chair at Rosetta's and am catching up on all of my journaling here today. Will have to add pictures once we get home as the wifi doesn't seem to be working very well down here. The water is very warm, although a little murky, but overall a really nice place to hang out. Ted is thinking that he wants to go jet skiing which will be lots of fun I am sure!!

Iced coffee is fabulous here (actually a coffee float) and $27,000. Had lunch here as well and it was very too.......I think we could seriously live on this island!!
Am fighting a few bug bites and am also appearing to get a bit of a sunburn so am going to close off as I have to apply some more sunscreen and don't want to get my screen all greasy!!
That's all for now, over and out! 

MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2014 AT 12:00 PM
Had a bit of a burn today, so kept it pretty low key. Went for our usual walk, down Tamblingan and checked everything out. Went to Hardy's as well, cuz that seems to be kind of a daily ritual as well.
We are supposed to check on our clothing today, but had to kill some time on our walk, so stopped for a late lunch at the Coconut Tree. Had Baby Kecap which is meat in soya sauce (sometimes sweet) served with white rice. Was very good!!

On our way home, we stopped in at the tailors to see how things are going. Ted's shirt at Bali Sun had nothing done, as they don't have the material that we chose. So, we had to re choose other fabric and they will start his shirt. Should be done on Thursday.
Stopped at Exclusive Tailors (Reza's) and Ted's suit was ready, as well as my jacket. Ted tried on his slacks and they fit perfectly!! His jacket was a bit high at the back of the collar and a little narrow across his chest, but otherwise, looks great!!
My jacket is a little big around and long in the sleeves. She was having trouble figuring out the flounce for the skirt, and I think just wanted me to change it, but I showed her how to do it and I believe that she understands now, so we will see come Thursday.
We also ordered a couple more shirts (200,000 each) for Ted with contrasting material. She is a little uncertain as to how we want them, so I will send her pics via email.
Home to shower up and to the market for supper. Ate once again at our fav spot, but noticed that they are making pancakes and scrambled eggs wrapped in something like a large egg roll dough at one of the neighbouring stands.......looks very interesting, will have to try that tomorrow.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2014 AT 12:00 PM
This morning, we decided that we would try and find the Govt Cooperative Artisan shop that we bought so much stuff at 10 years (actually 11 I think) ago when we were here. So we eat breaky and head out to find a cab. Funny how everyone wants to give you a ride until you want one, we had to walk blocks before we found one, and then had to actually walk up to a 'stand' and as for one!!!
It was a company cab, so we had to take the next driver in line. We had the address and so didn't think that language would be an issue.....oops!!
He had a very hard time finding it, and asked many people.....he talked us into another craft shop which was crazy expensive, although there was a lot in it, the prices were all more than what we can buy in the street or the market. Everything was very well displayed and merchandised, looks to me like a tour bus stop, overpriced, but convenient!!
We think we did actually find the right place eventually, but it is all torn down from what it was and they are building a large shopping complex there instead. Prime location, I guess the artisans struggling and rent finally put them out of business. We went next door to what appeared to be an art studio. There were many mediums, carving, paintings, antiques, batik....jewellery!!!! The ladies there were very nice and confirmed that the shop we were looking for had closed quite a long time ago.
I bought a back scratcher made of horn, a couple of silver chains and pendants that I may have to sell or keep for myself...not sure which I will do yet. The chains were about 1⁄2 price or even a bit less than what I could get at home, the pendants were about a third of retail at home, so I can definitely make some money on them if I price them right!!  However, when I like stuff.....I like to keep it too.
We then went to the Polo Outlet store that was along that same road...EXPENSIVE!! Like regular price at home almost! We can get all cheaper in the Polo stores on are those all knockoff stores? It is hard to tell!!  All I know, is that this is a your bus stop, so probably just price to whatever people are willing to pay.....we weren't willing!,
Off to a Batik shop where they showed us the process and also had a large shop for us to purchase. Had some very nice stuff of higher quality than what we can get on the street, but also higher priced. Am trying to figure out if it is the same place that made had taken us, but I don't think it was......seems similar, yet not quite how I remember. The paintings were all upstairs, and I don't believe they were last time, but I guess they certainly could have changed that up. Regardless, prices were more than what we wanted to spend, and Ted admits that he doesn't really like batik anyway!!

Asked our driver to then take us to a mall, and he had to renegotiate our price at this time. He opted to come with us and it felt kind of weird having a tag along....but we went to the top floor for lunch and then, menswear, kids, women's.....I mustn't have been in the right mood, cuz nothing really appealed to me. Our cabbie decided to go back to the car once we lost Ted and after searching, I said he could look, as I was staying in kids wear.....
Shortly afterward, Ted showed up and after looking a bit more, we headed for the car as it was almost 4:00 when we said we would leave. 

Our drivers was washing the car, so we had to wait for him to shami it off and then proceeded home.
Cost us 300,000 for the day of cruising around.
Home to shower up and head for the market, where we decided on the sweet pancakes for supper. Very interesting process!! She has 2 fry pans set up permanent on a gas grill. She scoops in the batter and spreads it so that they have sides. She adds filling to one (Ted had chocolate, peanuts and bananas, I had cheese, peanuts and chocolate), and leaves the other plane. She takes out the one with filling and then tops with the other, they then cut them up and serve them as is, no syrup or anything.
Sweet Pancakes

Peanuts, cheese and chocolate filled..Ted's no cheese, but bananas.

Are very filling.....sweet and scrumptious, but wouldn't want to eat them all of the time, cu we would weigh 900 lbs!! Next time we have them, we will add the milk as well, as they were rather dry.....maybe the milk will be the answer to perfection!! 

 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 AT 12:00 PM
A low key day of walking a around town and maybe a bit of shopping. Well, like most every day....haha!!
Went directly to Hardy's and Ted bought some shorts, a little heavy for here, but will be great for home. They are Dockers and cost a whopping $12.00!! I got a cap for just under $2.00!! I also picked up a basket for all of our bills and paper paraphanelia in our room......


gotta keep things neat!!
We stopped at The Coconut Tree for a couple of beers and a snack.

Stopped at Bali Sun to see if Ted's shirt was done and it was, except the sleeves were too long, as well as the boat too long. I pinned it, as the guy was not around...just a dude from the street.....and we left it to pick up later in the week.
Finally ran into a cab driver. Nyoman is too busy to drive us tomorrow for our trip to Lovina! but he called his brother-in-law Darin to pick us up. We will be out the door at 10 tomorrow for our trip to Lovina.
Stopped by the gals' shops at the market on the way back and I caved into buying some things. 4 nice scarves, a chevron patterned dress and a little top with ruffles. Now we won't be bothered by 'those' gals from the market any linger. Once you purchase something, then they leave you alone.....but am not sure that I will have enough suitcases to by something from everyone!!
We talked a bit about their businesses and their stock, as they have so much and it seems like nothing really moves too much. A guy actually comes around every week with things for them to purchase. They have loans for the product, so if they don't move it, it is not very good, as it is pretty much all on credit......blows me away, as I can't imagine how difficult it could be at times when tourism is so low and they still have to pay their debts as well as their trying to support owner run spots to help them out.

Won't finish off this week in this blog as our trip to Lovina will be one on its own........tune in in a couple of days for that one!  Pretty interesting!!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Week #1 - Trip to Indonesia - January 2014

January 2014
SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2014 AT 12:00 PM

Indonesia - Day #1
Got all packed for our month in Indonesia and were on the road by about noon.
Did some stuff in town, like dropping my car off at the body shop. It will live there til we return.
Got to Les and Ashley's around 2:00 and played with the kids for the afternoon. Went out for supper at Thomas Cook in Warman and then off to our hotel.
Checked in about 6 and pretty much went to bed as we have to leave for the airport at 3:30.

Road from PA to Saskatoon.....lots of blowing snow. Won't miss this!! 

MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2014 AT 11:01 AM

There were iPads all over in Minneapolis airport, all sitting at desks for public use!! Were strapped by the cord with a metal strap.

 MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2014 AT 12:00 PM
Indonesia - Day #2
Up at 2:45 to head to the airport at 3:30. Stayed at the Saskatoon inn for $149 plus taxes. Crazy!! That is a weeks lodging at our hotel in Indonesia!! But, here we needed heat!! 
 Good flight to Minneapolis, 5 hr layover and the on to Tokyo, which is about a 13 hour flight, arriving around 5 pm on the 14th.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2014 AT 12:00 PM
Indonesia - Day #3
Turned over to today somewhere mid-flight from Minneapolis to Tokyo.
Had a short layover of about an hour here and then once again on another plane headed for Singapore.
Sat by a nice gal who was returning home to Singapore from a vacation in New York. Her name was May, and she said she would look me up and be our tour guide should we ever decide to visit Singapore. That would be cool, actually, if she gets in contact before we leave, we have a 6 hour layover.....maybe if we are able to obtain a travel card while we are here, she could tour us around a bit on our way home!!
The flight had a quite a bit of turbulence almost all of the way, but both Ted and I were able to sleep quite a bit. Still watched a couple,of movies though.
We landed just before midnight, so will change over to a new day!

Indonesia - Day #4
Day changed while we were sitting in Singapore on our 7 hr layover.
My feet and ankles took a beating I. The last flight and were very swollen. I found an electronic (and free) calf massaging machine that does a fabulous massage and reflexology treatment, so I sat there for quite some time. I think that it helped a lot, and I was happy to have found it.
Tried to sleep in easy chairs, Ted had some shut eye at our first stop by the massagers and the play area, but then a bunch of kids came and it got to noisy. We then took a walk and had a muffin and coffee. I had a bit of shut eye at the coffee shop area, it was then time that we could get our transfer done and get our boarding passes.
The guy had a bit of trouble, as right in Saskatoon, they had checked our luggage straight through to Denpasar, and he was a bit confused. We didn't mind, as we had lots of time, so told him to take his time and figure it out. Hopefully, we will have luggage when we arrive, but if not, we have a change of clothes in our carry on just the same, so am not going to worry about it in the least.
Boarded shortly before 8 am for the final 3 hr flight to Bali.
Arrived in good shape. The airport is all under construction and has been completely redone!! They are still working on it, but it is really quite fabulous!, really shows off the architecture and elaborate design of Indonesia!!
Am trying to figure out how to add a picture here, and hopefully I will get one in here. There is also a new freeway that they have built over the sea from the airport, (I took a picture from the plane, so hopefully it will be attached to this entry, or at least to the day once I figure this out.
Found ourselves a cab and it took about 20 minutes to get to our hotel.
About 40 hours travel time from hotel (Saskatoon) to hotel (Sanur, Bali). Our room is nice enough, nothing really fancy, but the sheets are clean and the people seem really nice.
There were twin beds in the first room they were going to give us ...... Don't think we would have liked sleeping alone for a month!! Our air conditioner didn't work in the second room, where we had unpacked everything we are now in our 3rd room.
One of our maintenance guys at the hotel has a brother who drives cab and is excited for us to hire him for our transport around the island. The cab driver from the airport gave us some ideas of where we should visit, and with what we know from last time, I think we will be very well taken care of.
Found our way to out favourite store and had a fabulous meal at Coconut Tree on the main drag.
When Ted asked how I liked it, I replied “I love this food!!” He laughed and said, “I know. We are either gonna gain weight from all of the food and drink, or get so much exercise that we will lose weight!” I hope it is the latter - but I guess we will find out!!
The prices are about the same as last time, two beer or one large one is $3, and our meals (Ted had chicken stir fry with rice and I had noodles with satay chicken and fish, were both $3 each. So, our total (with both of us having 2 drinks) was $12.00. At home, that wouldn't have covered the drinks alone!! AND, we were eating in a rather 'touristy' area of town!!!
Tried to find our shoemaker/leather taylor from last time, and came up empty!! Will venture out again this afternoon soon and see what we can find. Not in too big of a hurry, as it poured again last night and this morning. Seems pretty good now, aside from being a bit overcast, which is just perfect for touring around. Temp is +29, so I don't think we will get cold in the dampness!!
Came home and were very tired. Fell asleep, but not sure what time, and we were down for the night.
Indonesia - Day #5
We occupied 2 rooms last night, as we only moved all of our stuff this morning.
Woke up wide awake at 4:30 this morning, as the time difference is 14 hrs. It is nearly 1:00 in the afternoon on Thursday the 16th here and it is almost 11:00 am on Wednesday the 15th at home. Hard to adapt to the time change in the first day or two. Had a decent sleep last night other than the early rising, and after reading a bit, managed to go back to sleep and got up around 8:30, so hopefully tonight we will be adjusted.
Has been raining this morning off and on, so are in no real hurry to venture out. Today we will stay pretty close to home I think.
Moved our room before we went down for breakfast shortly after 10:00
Were late for the buffet, but they still made us breakfast of coffee, bacon, eggs and toast. Back up to the room, showered up and settled in. Got caught up on emails, etc, and tried to figure out this journal thing.
Ted is enjoying our limited tv and just hanging in our room. Will have to get mobile soon....wouldn't want to waste a whole day on relaxing.....or maybe we will!!
Well, we ventured is so nice that we are so coldest to the main dead of Tamblingan, as that is really where most of the action in town is. We splurged this afternoon on a lovely Sandwiche and health drink at one of the organic restaurants on the strip. Well, I had a health drink of mint, melon and ginger, Ted had a coke!! 40,000 for a Sandwiche is a little above our budget, but what the heck!!
Just walked the strip today, looking at various shops & things. Not really doing too. Much of anything.
Checked out a few more leather shops, and they all seem to be pretty much the same. It is Sunday now and I can't remember too mush more of anything that we did.......uneventful is good!!
Looking through the pictures, I realized that we stopped at a small  bar/ restaraunt for supper before heading home. Had some fancy 2 for 1 watermelon drinks!!

THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 AT 2:05 PM 

New freeway from Airport, over the sea to Nusa Dua, and Sanur/Denpasar. Cuts down driving time by about 15 to 20 minutes in light traffic times, even more when it is busy. Costs 10,000 eps or about $1.00 to take it.

New Airport in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Cab driver said that it was built in the last year. 

Fancy eating at some health food spot. Sandwiches were more than an average meal and my melon, mint, avocado during was 17,000 (I think). 
More fancy drinks.....these were 2 for 1 and had alcohol (but not much it seemed) "The Porch" 

FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2014 AT 10:38 AM

 Got up and did the usual. Made and drank coffee, caught up on the news back home, possibly a bit of reading......went down for breakfast about 10 or so again and had egg and chicken soup this time. Ted of course stuck with his bacon and eggs.
Were accosted at the corner by a gal who wanted to show us her shop at the market, which we went in and took a look. Didn't buy anything, as we are looking for a larger bag that has a long strap. Not sure that we are going to be able to find one, but will keep searching.
Next stop was a tailor. Asked about pricing at the first shop and found that Ted can get a suit made for $100, so had her start measuring!! The fabric we chose is a black, with white stringy looking pattern. Should be quite different!! I asked about pricing for a leather suit, and for $250 am getting a skirt and fitted jacket with a zipper and some nice detailing. I chose a smoky purple color, so hope that it turns out nice. We area unposed to be able to pick them both up on Monday afternoon.
Business done for the day, we headed down for a nice long walk on the beach. Ted had a bowel explosion and we stopped nearby there for a drink and some Spring Rolls. Again, a little above our budget, but it was on the beach after all. I had a nice coffee that was 27,000, Ted ha d a pop, and our spring rolls were 20,000!! Nuts!!

Walked a quite a bit further up the beach and then back to Tamblingan....further west than we have ever been. We stopped at a Marvelous leather purse shop on our way back and I am pretty sure that I will be going back there to purchase a few of his masterpieces as they are very nicely made and unique in design!!
Stopped at another Tailor once we were closer to home and had Ted order a dress shirt. I am excited to see what it is going to turn out like as we decided to do the facing on it in a contrasting color!!
Home to catch up on the news, watch some tv and have a shower before heading back to the market for supper!! Ted had fried rice, I had fried noodles and we shared a bottle of water.....our total bill came to 27,000 (or about $2.50)!!! We couldn't believe it...maybe she made a mistake?!? We will be eating here in the market more often as you certainly can't beat that price!!
Stopped at way and shopping he market on our way out. She is making me some happy pants that will actually be long enough.......nice to be able to just have things made to fit!!
Down the strip for a beer before heading to bed. Stopped at Warung's Little Bird for a beer and to listen to some live music. Nice relaxing place, I know we will be returning!!

Back at one of our local hangs....Warung's Little Bird 

At the market for supper $2.70 total for both of us!! 

SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2014 AT 12:00 PM
Up a little earlier than normal, and down for breakfast after a couple cups of coffee in our room....
Today we have a mission of a walkabout to the left, or east of our area. It was a long walk, lots of gals wanting us to look in their shops, and go into the markets that are down that way (there are 2 other markets that I know of besides the one next to us which is referred to as the night market.
Will have to go back and check out Monica's shop, and Ted has to se shop #80!! Haha!! They certainly want to sell us something!!
Went to the farthest point possible, where the water joins a river or canal of some sort, not quite sure, only know that we couldn't go any further.
Came back from wence we were and up the street where we stayed last time. It has sure expanded!! Was once basically a narrow trail, is now a widened paved road!! Not sure how they managed that, but it certainly is bigger!! Had a beer at our old stomping grounds, The Watering Hole, again, prices seem to be pretty much the same, maybe a slight bit higher.
Walked by our hotel from 10 years!! Has it ever expanded!, went into what used to be the lobby, but it is now the banquet entrance....must have passed the main entrance as it is now, so went on our Merry way, past the golf course along the crazy busy street.

 Went into a travel agency to price out flights to Jakarta. It would cost us about $80 each, one way.....not sure if we are going to do that or not. Really wanted to do Lombok, but our cab driver said there is trouble over there, so will probably not be going there either!! Oh well, lots to see on lil old Bali!! I am sure we won't get too bored!!
Back down to the beach and stopped for lunch at a hotel restaurant. Crazy, that there was a 20% tax there. Best to stick to the local bars, etc, where the most taxes we have to pay is 10% if any at all!! The taxes we paid there could have bought us a whole supper at the market!!
Kept moving along the beach until a way past Hardy's, our best landmark! Stopped at The Coconut Tree for a beer after buying a dress for $12,000 Ted a muscle shirt for 5,500 and a nice cream....met a guy that has lived here for the past 20 some years. He is from Norway and married a gal from an island (I think to the south) that starts with an 's'. He has a 9 year old daughter and is probably about 65 himself. Says that there are too many tourists!!
Shopped and talked along the way home, it seems like everyone needs us to purchase something from their shop, yet they all have basically the same stuff!! How do we choose!! G'day, stopped us and really wants to take us on a tour as well, says that business is very slow!! We are thinking that we may head up north (where he is actually from) and maybe spend some time with his family, and go to the Guru that cured Margie, on tues or wed. That will be a good trip....just driving along, stopping where we see something interesting!! He says he will share us about $50 a day.
It was a great day for a massage!! Stopped at a spot along the road and I got a full body, Ted got a reflexology treatment...both were a full hour long and cost us 125,000 or $12.00 for both!! Crazy!!
Stopped at Warung's Little Bird for another beer (I had a club soda) .....all of this negotiating and massaging makes one thirsty!!
Home to shower up and head to the market for supper....but Ted fell asleep and we just went to bed instead!! It was a long and tiring day I guess!!

Our walk on the beach to the left..... 

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Thursday 2 August 2012

Where does the time go?!?

Seems as though I missed July completely!!

Hard to believe that the summer is flying by, but I must be enjoying it, as I haven't even thought about catching up on writing as the out of doors has kept my mind very occupied!! 

Summer in Northern Saskatchewan is pretty darned short, and living on a farm, it is the busiest time of the year as well, which makes it even shorter......  Every chance I get, I am outside...picking weeds, boots off the lawn that were drug there by the dogs, a flower or two, fresh fruits and veggies.....or maybe - just sitting and enjoying the weather.

The wardrobe for my Summer Fashion Show mainly consists of shorts, a T-shirt and a pair of flip-flops....

The cast is that of Ted, myself, a couple of casual farm hands (neighbour kids) or a student from France (last year was Pierre, this year Alban) and of course anyone who stops in for a coffee or a beer....

The real 'pièce de résistance' of Summer's Fashion Show however, is the stage!!!!  Our yard (although alot of work) is beautiful and relaxing.....the garden provides a menu for the cast that is second to none!!! 

I truly LOVE just hanging out in my yard or going for a walk down our road to watch the sky and listen to the birds and the frogs.....or maybe just listening to nothing at all.......

Here is a view from the far end of the road where I like to try and walk a couple of times a week....not sure if it is better for my body or my mind.....

Morning coffee has been being enjoyed this summer from our patio, which is very nearly completed (YAY).....only to be made better with more wonderful ideas I am sure!!  The flowers are fabulous this year with all of the heat and humidity and this is definitley one of my 'Happy Places'.  As you can see - there is a chair here just waiting for you to join me for coffee....I would love to cast you in the show!!

We have a couple of new additions to the yard, here is a Bald Eagle which I have tethered over our fruit & berries to try and keep the birds that like to eat our harvest away....he seems to be doing a pretty good job....  We also have a Peregrine Falcon on top of the Grain Bins to fight off the pigeons!!  He too is accomplishing his task.

The fruits of summer were not that great in the Saskatoon Berry patch this summer, however, our Cherry tree and raspberry bushes produced more than they ever have to make up for it...I am now waiting for the Plums to ripen, which also are very fruitful this year!!

Life is a wonderful stage of activity in the summer and it all happens so fast that sometimes we forget to stop and enjoy all that it has to offer.  Our heads are stuck looking down at the weeds in the garden and swatting mosquitos rather than looking a little higher to the beautiful pods of peas on the vines right next to them, or the wonderful berries in the trees along the road and the flight of a robin collecting food for their young.....

Try to take a few minutes each and every day to sit and reflect on something unexpected, or just plain beautiful.  Cast your eyes to the sky instead of the middle of the road and see what beauty will open up to you.....

Enjoy your Fashion Show in small moments if you are too busy or consumed to take a whole will be surprised to see how rejuvenating a morning coffee on the patio can be....come join me!!
